Tree problems are the root of the frequency of expensive tree replacement in residential settings, and have even had a major impact on the commercial expense of future losses of products derived from forests. While most affect landscaping trees, these tree diseases can also affect large copses, forests, and more. Continue reading to learn more about some of the common tree disease we see here in Indiana.
Common Indiana Tree Diseases:
✤ Armillaria Root Rot
Also known as Shoestring Root Rot, the principle fungus is called Armillaria mellea, but several other pathogens are involved. These pathogens attack the base and the roots of a tree. They primarily attack conifers and hardwoods, causing a long list of health implications that eventual lead to death if left untreated. One of the most common is characteristic mushroom growth at the base of a tree. In most cases of Armillaria Root Rot, a tree is attacked when it is in an advanced state of decline (i.e. malnutrition, pest infestation, open bark wounds, etc.). In a weakened state, trees are more susceptible to diseases.
✤ Fire Blight
If you have fruit trees, you should be aware of Fire Blight. It mostly affects pear, apple, and plum trees, but can also affect many others. Fire Blight is caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora, and commonly spreads by insects and rainfall. It gets its name from its characteristic effect on leaves, turning them into a blackish-brown color, which makes them appear burnt. This is usually the first noticeable sign of Fire Blight. Once a tree if infected, it can be treated with specialized tree disease treatment and proper tree pruning.
✤ Spruce Tree Disease
This disease is caused by the pathogens Phomopsis and Sphaeropsis, also referred to as Diplodia. These pathogens began attacking spruce trees 4 or 5 years ago in Indiana. Generally, they attack trees when they are in a weakened or vulnerable state. They add to the stress of the tree, causing a long list of complications, and often times, death.