There are 5 parts of good spring tree care, some of which you can do on your own, while others require the assistance of a professional tree service company. Continue reading to learn more about them!
5 Parts of Tree Care in the Spring:
➊ Cleaning
On the brink of springtime, start clearing away debris and other clutter away from you landscaping trees. This may include winter burlap covers, Christmas lights, rotted fruit, pine cones, pine needles, leaves, and more.
➋ Inspection
After your trees are cleared, you want to take a good long look at them. Check their branches, foliage, trunk, bark, and overall stability. Look for signs of pests, wildlife activity, winter damage, and possible disease. If you see cankers, blights, or blemishes, it could be a sign that your tree is ill or dying.
➌ Mulching
If you do not know the proper way to mulch a tree, it is vital that you learn as soon as possible. That is because mulch is a highly-important part of tree care. It helps the soil retain water and nutrients, and it prevents weed growth. Lay mulch around the base of the tree, not exceeding more than 3 inches of material. Be sure to avoid laying mulch against the tree trunk.
➍ Watering
Watering is arguably one of the most important aspects of tree care, especially during the spring and summer months. Just be sure to not over-water your trees. To prevent moss growth, water your trees less often, but more deeply at every round. If soil is frozen, it is not ready to be watered.
➎ Pruning
Spring tree pruning is important because it promotes new branch growth and renders bigger, brighter, fuller canopies come summertime. Be sure to have trees pruned by an experienced Indianapolis tree care company. They have the proper tools and safety training needed to get the job done right.